These days we are always rushing and thinking, working and planning, busy and arranging but where are you?

Where is your mind?

Many people are forward thinking so their mind is in the future but they are also worrying about consequences they suffered in the past, so, their mind is also in the past. So your mind is being pulled in two directions, but where is your body? In the now, in the present moment.

For us to fully function, happily and in line with our true path we need to be here, in the now, feeling the present moment. Try to lose some expectations and understand that a lot of your worries are based on past occurrences and that you can’t truly predict the future.

Stop rushing, there is no such thing as time, it is man-made. Somehow time controls us when it is meant to be used simply as a measure, a guide, to serve us.

Is time serving you or are you serving time?

When everything feels a little too hectic, stop, take a deep breath and look around you. Think about what you can see around you right at this very minute. Name 5 things you can see right now, the ground, your shoes, a tree, anything. This will help bring you back to the present moment. Acknowledge yourself in the present and then continue with your day. Remember you can only effectively do one thing at a time so put all your efforts into doing each task and each task will be completed to the best that it can be with you fully present to complete it.

How do you slow down and bring yourself to the present moment?

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